Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Stories – Inspirational Moral Short Stories for Kids in English! 10 inspirational stories are listed here. These stories are very useful for children and inspirational for older people as well. There is a good moral at the end of every story. Something that is very important to learn in our practical life.

Stories play an important role in our lives. There are very useful lessons in the stories if we apply these lessons in our practical life we ​​can live a happy life.

Inspirational Stories

Inspirational Stories

One winter morning a farmer saw a snake frozen in the cold. That farmer was very kind-hearted and could not see anyone homeless. Taking pity on the snake, he put it in a basket and took it home. I put it by the fire in the kitchen. Snake Afetr opened his eyes and moved here and there. The farmer’s children were also watching all this with great interest. Suddenly, the snake attacked one of his sons, but he quickly escaped. Seeing all this, the farmer took a stick and killed him on the spot.

Inspirational Stories With A Moral For Students

Once upon a time there was a farmer. He lived in a village. He had three sons who always fought with each other. The farmer became very ill. He was very sad because of his children’s attitude. One day the farmer brought a bunch of sticks. He asked them to break it. They did everything but they couldn’t do it. Then the farmer dropped the bundle. He told them to break the oars. They broke them easily. The farmer said, “We are united.” Separated we are falling”. Her children learned a lesson and began to live in peace.

Inspirational Stories

Once upon a time a hare and a tortoise were friends. The hare always laughed at the tortoise’s slow pace. One day the hare asked the tortoise to run a race with him. The turtle accepted him. The next day, the end point of the race was set and the race began. The hare ran very fast and quickly came out of the right. He was tired. He lay down under a tree and fell asleep. The turtle kept walking. When the hare got up he ran as fast as he could. But he was surprised to see the turtle in the winning position. It was very embarrassing. The turtle had won the race.

Once upon a time there was a farmer. He lived in a village. He had a strange chicken. She turns a golden egg every day. He sold the golden egg and got a high price. He was very greedy and could not wait to be rich. He wanted to get rich right away. One day he killed the hen to get all the golden eggs. But he was very disappointed when he saw that there was only one egg. He felt remorse but did not take advantage of it.

Inspirational Stories

Grammar I’m Hungry Shinkan Inspirational Stories Paradox National Profound

There was a fox. He was very hungry. She went to a garden. He saw ripe grapes there. Her mouth was watered. She wanted to eat them. He jumped towards them but the grapes were out of reach. Jump again and again. But she could not reach them. He was tired. So she went to say. “The grapes are sour”.

There was a dog. He was very hungry. He stole a piece of meat from the butcher’s shop. Run off in search of a peaceful place to eat it. Somehow he reached a stream. She saw her own reflection in the water. They thought it was another dog with a piece of meat on it. She wanted that piece too. He opened his mouth to receive it. Her own piece fell into the stream. In her greed to take another piece, she lost her own piece of meat.

Inspirational Stories

Once upon a time there was a lion sleeping in the forest. A mouse came out of its hole and started running over his body. The lion got up and caught the mouse. The lion wanted to kill the mouse but the mouse begged for mercy. The lion left him. After several days the lion was caught in a trap by a hunter. he roared. The mouse heard the cry of the lion and came out of his hole. He saw the lion in trouble. He started cutting the ropes with his sharp teeth. The lion was released and thanked the little mouse.

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Once there was an ox drinking water in a stream. She saw her reflection in running water. He felt proud of his beautiful horns. He was happy to see the horn. At some point he looked at her thin legs. He hated them for their ugliness. Meanwhile, she heard the voice of the hounds coming towards her. He fled for his life. His legs were very sharp but his horns were caught in a cave. He tried hard to free himself but in vain. The hounds go to him. They caught the deer and tore him to pieces.

Inspirational Stories

Once upon a time there was a shepherd boy who was tending his sheep near a village. He thought of a joke. He shouted at the top of his voice, “Wolf! Wolf!”. When the villagers heard his voice they immediately came with their sticks. When they got there they found that the boy was cheating on them. People became very angry. After a few days the boy made the joke again. The villagers cursed him and left. One day a wolf really came. I screamed for help but no one came. The wolf killed him and his sheep.

Once upon a time there was a crow. He was very thirsty. She flew looking for water but found no water. Finally, he saw a jug of water in the garden. He reached the jug but the water was very low. She couldn’t drink it. He looked here and there and saw some pebbles nearby. She thought of a plan. He put a pebble in the jug. The water rose. Drink the water and fly away. I love inspirational stories from people who have achieved great things by following their dreams no matter what. Imagine what a different world it would be without Walt Disney, without Star Wars, without Beethoven’s Symphony. They were all created by people who faced a lot of rejection but refused to listen to the naysayers who said, “you can’t”. Or imagine if someone like Oprah listened to the critics instead of her heart. ​​​​The world would really be losing some of its greatest creations and inspiring people.

Inspirational Stories

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Francis O’Dea – You have probably never heard of Francis O’Dea but if you live in Canada, you are probably very familiar with the coffee house company, “The Second Cup”.

Francis grew up in Toronto, he was sexually abused at the age of 13 and around that time he started drinking. Life went downhill fast and before long he was homeless. He had to beg for change to survive. For six months he lived on the streets with no clue of what he wanted to do or how to change his life. Today, Francis O’Dea is a multi-millionaire. As he says, “One year I broke, the next year I was a millionaire.”

Inspirational Stories

He changed his life by focusing on what he wanted. He got a job and slowly started to change his life.

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Four years later he opened a small coffee shop and called it “An Dara Cup”. Second Cup is now one of the largest coffee shop chains in Canada.

Inspirational Stories

• Wayne Gretzky – Wayne Gretzky was quoted as saying, “It’s kind of ironic when I turned 17, they told me I was too young, too slow and wouldn’t make the NHL.” He is now recognized as one of the greatest hockey players of all time.

• George Lucas – George Lucas spent four years sending the script for Star Wars around the various studios and collecting many rejections in the process. Both Universal Studios and United Artist turned it down. Finally an executive from 20th Century Fox who saw his film American Graffiti and was impressed decided to give him a chance with his Star Wars. The film was made for $11 million dollars and was released in 1977. The original Star Wars trilogy has grossed over 2.4 billion dollars. If he had let his inner negative voice take over he would not have had the highest grossing film of all time.

Inspirational Stories

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• Michael Jordan – cut from his high school basketball team. Michael Jordan quotes, “I’ve failed many times in my life, and that’s why I succeed.”

• Bob Parsons – founder and CEO of He once had a blog post where he talked about what he overcame to achieve his dreams. Unfortunately, it has now been taken down but from reading that post, I learned that it was definitely not an overnight success and had many failures along the way. But, he kept his vision in mind the whole time and said, “I never look back or feel sorry for myself.” Another awesome quote from the blog post

Inspirational Stories

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