Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur – Earlier this week my Twitter friend (thanks @kerszi!) posted this quote of the day. I’m on Twitter every day and see a lot of quotes, funny sayings and great pictures, but this one stuck with me all week. There are 3 things that really resonate with me about this.

1. I laughed at the term “boss”, but I like that choice of words! You know, like a boss, take control and do it. I thought that was a good motivator, a way to call others to action. Sometimes you just have to step up and make a decision. Take a risk. Take that leap. Just do that. As a leader

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

2. Sometimes we have to create a new way in education where one has never existed. Create your own path. That’s what innovators do, whether it’s in the classroom or as principals, we have to push through new territory and chart our own path because we know it’s what’s best for kids.

Savage Quotes To Ignite Your Inner Boss

This reminded me of the old “create your own adventure” books. Do you remember this one? You reach a certain junction in the story and you choose between page 47 and page 86. I loved these books when I was little, but sometimes you need more than those two options. That’s when you have to create your own path – jump off the beaten track and take the road less traveled.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Innovators are often lonely on those one-lane highways, but usually the journey and the destination are well worth it.

3. The last part that really made an impact was the phrase “had no choice”. Really, it was a choice, wasn’t it? It is a choice to stay on the same path and keep moving at the same speed as everyone else. But for innovators, that’s simply not an option. That lane is full of other cars doing the same old thing. Innovators are pushed to the point that they have no choice but to branch out and forge a new trail—that’s when the magic happens.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Inspirational Quotes For Your Boss. Quotesgram

Are you ready to “get over it”? How do you create your own path? Share your comments!The other day I just didn’t feel like writing the 5,000 word blog post I promised my client by that afternoon.

It is normal to experience motivational difficulties, to want to procrastinate rather than tackle the mountain of work that lies ahead. But at the end of the day, entrepreneurs know that you have to push past those feelings—and force yourself to do so.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

To help me reset in these moments, I’ve compiled this list of all my favorite motivational quotes as a reminder of why I’m here, what fuels my hate, and how short this life really is. We’re not here forever, folks.

Good Man Quotes On Becoming Your Best Self

If you want to realize your side, you must commit to identifying when you are hiding, wasting time, avoiding the difficult tasks you should be doing. You have to overcome your feelings of doubt, self-pity, and go after what you want with a single focus. That’s a real riot.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

? If you’re hoping to enter the world of entrepreneurship and build your own business, stop procrastinating and let’s do it.

👋 by now you probably already know… one of the best ways to build your own business is to start your own blog. That’s why I recently put together a free guide that breaks down how to start a blog and I share the exact strategies I used to turn my blog (this blog you’re reading right now) into a six-figure business.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Best Self Improvement Quotes To Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Now at this point, maybe you could use some words of encouragement? Well, I got you with these motivational quotes.

So let’s get inspired, get going, start that blog you’ve been dreaming of (check out these blogging courses and blogging books to get started), pitch your services to that dream client, validate your startup idea, create your own success, and shit!

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

These motivational quotes are perfect for getting into the right mindset to think big, achieve your most meaningful goals, and refocus on the bigger picture of why you got into this hustle in the first place.

Customizable Motivational Boss Quotes Curated With

Good things don’t (usually) just fall into your lap, and there’s no point in waiting and hoping that they will. Want to start a side hustle? Stop thinking and talking about it. Start today, good things will happen if you work hard for them – and position yourself to identify what opportunities you can take advantage of.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

This motivational quote from Anais Nin, a prolific essayist and author in the early to mid 1900s, resides on the wall just above my desk. That is motivation.

It costs you nothing to dream – time, money or hard work. Hustle, on the other hand, costs it all.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Here Are The Best Inspirational Quotes For 2019

This motivational quote serves as a constant reminder to drag my ass out of bed when my alarm goes off at 4:30am. and it’s time to get to work. No matter what time of day you work on your site, you are tired. Deal with it. Go through the difficulties.

This motivational quote is a reminder that if you want to be successful, you have to work like your life (style) depends on it.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

4. “I began to understand how important it is to be an enthusiast in life. He taught me that if you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go full speed ahead. Embrace it with both arms, embrace it, love it and above all be passionate about it. Hot is not good. Hot is not good either. White hot and passionate is the only one to be.” – Roald Dahl, “My Uncle Oswald”

Quotes From The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down By Haemin Sunim — Fonnatasha

Roald Dahl is on the money with this motivational quote. If in doubt, don’t do it halfway. You can’t pay.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

5. “Remembering that you’re going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You’re already stuck. There’s no reason not to follow your heart .” -Steve Jobs

It’s a bit nihilistic, but also quite motivating. What do you really have to lose in this life? Mistakes in business won’t kill you, and you can get back into the game if you have the drive. Get up and move again.

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This motivational quote from the late, great Steve Jobs is high on my list of motivational messages that re-center me when I’m sidelined, worrying about what people think about new projects I’m launching.

“You have nothing to lose. You’re already stuck. There’s no reason not to follow your heart. – Steve Jobs

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Use this motivational quote from the great Maya Angelou as motivation to create every day – no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. The act of exercising your creative muscle will help you sharpen your craft and become even better. create create create

Short Inspirational Quotes For Motivation

7. “I’ve always done something that I kind of didn’t want to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment, ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do that,’ and you go through these moments, that’s when you succeed.” – Marissa Mayer

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

The message of this motivational quote is that it may not be a perfect moment to take your chance, but you have to take it anyway. This is true in all aspects of life – from learning how to promote your blog and risking the strategies that will grow your blog to new heights… to sending that blogger email that could be the tipping point to start a transformation. relationship for your business.

Keep that desire burning within you for something greater, and bookmark this motivational quote – it will get you through the hard times.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Lady Boss Quotes + Images

9. “Challenges are gifts that force us to find a new focus. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” – Oprah Winfrey

When you feel your side hustle hitting a roadblock, it reshapes: It adjusts its center of gravity. This motivational quote is an inspiration to constantly adapt in the face of challenges.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Whenever you feel procrastination creeping in, try to be aware of it and treat it like the plague – stop procrastinating the moment you realize you’re doing it and find a reward for completing the milestone. Tape this motivational quote on the wall above your computer 😉

Teamwork Quotes To Inspire Your Employees

If there really was nothing to stop you, nothing in your way, nothing to fear, what would you do? This motivational quote is an inspiration to do so. Right now. What are you waiting for? Should you quit your job to pursue your side project that is gaining momentum? Well,

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

11. “It’s not true that people stop chasing dreams because they get old. They get old because they stop chasing dreams.” – Gabriel García Márquez

This motivational quote is a reminder not to fall into the trap of complacency, laziness or stagnation. Find a business idea that will help you achieve your most significant goals in life – and keep pushing until you get there.

Be Your Own Boss Quotes To Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Leadership Quotes To Inspire You (and Your Team)

12. “I don’t count mine

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