8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna – Understanding the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita can inspire children and help them develop good habits. Here is a list of ten eternal principles that children can learn from the Gita.

The Bhagavad Gita, or Gita, is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjun before the battle of Kurukshetra begins. Lord Krishna’s teachings helped change Arjun’s outlook on life and thus his way of life.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Even though the Gita is hundreds of years old, the thought and knowledge contained in each word make it a timeless guide. Understanding the guiding principles of the Bhagavad Gita can help us gain deeper insight into what everyday life is all about. So there are many benefits of reading Bhagavad Gita.

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We should also make students aware of the importance of Bhagavad Gita. Thus, it can encourage the habit of self-examination and guide them to adopt a pragmatic lifestyle.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Just before the battle of Kurukshetra began, Arjun felt confused and depressed. He refused to fight because he failed to visualize the consequences of his actions. Perception plays an important role in helping us understand what we should do, why we should do it, our role in the scheme of things, and how they shape our sense of self. like us.

How to help children learn to have a positive perspective: Based on our experiences, we learn to think in a certain way. Gradually, we begin to believe that only our beliefs are correct and that people who are different from us are wrong. So help your child learn that it is necessary to understand the opinions of others, but it is not necessary to agree with their opinions. Encourage him to see situations the way others see them.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

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According to the Bhagavad Gita, everything must change. We know that our bodies, emotions, feelings and emotions, as well as everything around us, are in a state of change. However, when he tells us that we need to change, we are reluctant to accept the advice or reject it completely. In order to be successful, one must adapt to new situations, innovate and find better solutions, and explore new opportunities. So, while enjoying the experience of being in a familiar place, be prepared to take a little risk and reap the benefits of new experiences.

How to help your child adjust to the changes: Answer your child’s questions about any upcoming changes. He assures her that the change will take time and that she will have time to adjust to the new situation. Also, tell him about the good things that those changes can bring to his life.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Patience teaches us to face life’s problems in a balanced way and to stop using energy even when we are upset. Forgiveness helps us forgive injustice and overcome feelings of hatred. Both of these qualities are important for maintaining and nurturing relationships, fostering feelings of compassion and love, and overcoming divisive thoughts. These two values ​​formed the basis of a joint relationship

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How to teach your child tolerance and forgiveness: There are a wealth of stories and examples of tolerance and forgiveness. Tell your child such stories. Also, let him read about real events of people who are tolerant and forgiving.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Having the right thoughts helps us achieve a balanced view, maintain hope, overcome negative emotions, prepare well to face problems and use our strengths to achieve our goals. So, don’t let negative thoughts rule your mind and ruin your chances. Gratitude, meditation, giving back to the community, reading inspirational articles are some of the practices that can help cultivate positive thoughts.

How to get your child to change his way of thinking: Teach him to be flexible in his way of thinking. Tell him that instead of getting frustrated with things that don’t work, he should try to come up with a new way. Using this method will help you think more flexibly.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

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A calm mind will help us control our emotions, stay calm and positive in both good and bad, and manage stress. It will also help us clarify our thoughts, weigh our options, and channel our energies into activities that will benefit us. Knowing that change is inevitable plays an important role in helping us stay calm.

How to teach your child to stay calm: Children are easily irritated because they have not yet had the appropriate skills to deal with the situation. Teach your child to calm down when he is angry. For example, take a deep breath, count to 50, or take a short break.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Most of the work we do is done for our own benefit. We rarely worry about how our actions may affect others. This attitude makes us behave in a selfish way and separates us from those around us. On the other hand, selflessness helps us realize that the world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakaam). Our actions should be those that help make the world a better place and help us bond with those around us.

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How to teach your child to help: To help your child grow into a caring and empathetic child, encourage him to give some of his toys and clothes to needy, help his peers, and participate in volunteer activities.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

Fear is one of the most basic emotions in every living being. In humans, fear stems from ignorance and inability to control emotions. Therefore, stand firm in your efforts to acquire knowledge and wisdom. Well, these are the ones that will help you understand the unknown and overcome your fears and doubts.

How to help your child overcome fear: Children become anxious, and eventually fearful, when they don’t have enough information about facts. Encourage your child to talk to you about their worries and anxieties so that you can help reduce their fears and bring them down to manageable levels.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

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Anger blocks our reasoning power, leading to confusion and chaos. It reduces the clarity of our thoughts and prevents us from pursuing our goals. An unpleasant experience causes us to have negative thoughts and motivates us to do destructive actions. In the Mahabharata, it was Duryodhana’s anger that prevented him from acting rationally and made him fight with his cousins.

How to help your child manage anger: Tell your child that it is natural to feel angry at times and teach him ways to manage anger. For example, belly breathing, taking time out, practicing relaxation like yoga, and reminding yourself that anger will not solve problems.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

The most amazing achievements that we read or hear about are just the person who dreams big and fulfills his dream. So, don’t be afraid or hesitate to dream of growth and make relentless efforts to make it come true. At the same time, don’t let easy goals distract you and make you lose sight of your higher purpose.

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How to get your child to dream big: Here are some ways you can help your child dream big: encourage creative play, ask them to keep a dream journal, share your dreams, set goals that he should achieve, teach him to use technology to be creative. way. , help him deal with failure and make him read books about success stories.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

The example of day changing to night and returning to day shows well the fact that nothing in this world lasts, including success and failure. Those who have failed in their efforts may be discouraged by this example and continue to strive for success. Also, those who go through bad times must continue to persevere until they succeed in turning the tide.

How to explain impermanence to your child: It is very difficult for a young mind to grasp the concept of impermanence. However, you can try to explain it using simple examples: sit with your child and ask him to look at the clouds in the sky. Show him how they change shape or move in seconds. Show him a flower that is about to bloom and tell him that in a few hours it will turn into a flower. You can give many other examples.

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

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According to Swami Mahamedhananda, “Children should be trained and encouraged to work in the garden, plant trees, conserve water and other natural resources, not waste food, use all recyclables and dispose of waste. responsibly.” Although these seem very small. actions, will teach our children to understand and respect their relationship with nature. However, whatever work they do, they (the children) should strive to give back more than they receive. This is the spirit of sacrifice.”

Mahatma Gandhi used to read Bhagavad Gita and get inspiration from this holy text. And all over the world, not only many adults but also people of different cultures and religions treat the Bhagavad Gita as a guide to living a fulfilling life. Are you one of them? If not, read this “Song of God” to develop the qualities you need to lead

8 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Lord Krishna

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