Lao Tzu Quotes

Lao Tzu Quotes – Maxim is the founder and editor-in-chief. He has been writing and collecting quotes since 2004. This also includes personal development and productivity. More importantly, it helps you live a simpler and more peaceful life. More information about him on his page.

Here are 210 of the best La Tzu quotes I could find. I hope you find the inspiration and wisdom to slow down and accept what is happening in your life today. You see, La Tzu is a necessary skill in our fast-paced world. Enjoy!

Lao Tzu Quotes

Lao Tzu Quotes

A person who approaches life with energy is sure to achieve something. Of course, it is he who is content with whatever he receives. The Tzu

Quotes From Lao Tzu That Will Blow Your Mind Wide Open

Sage puts his thoughts behind him, so he’s ahead. It bears witness to life, therefore it endures. The Tzu

Lao Tzu Quotes

He gives but does not receive. It works, but not for the reward. It completes, but not for the results. The Tzu

A person who lives in harmony with nature does not object to the way things are. He always acts in harmony with the present moment, knowing the truth of what to do. The Tzu

Lao Tzu Quotes

Wednesday Wisdom Quote: Lao Tzu On Kindness

Sharpen the knife too hard and the edge will soon disappear. Fill the house with gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Build yourself up with respect and pride and no one can stop you from falling. The Tzu

Complete the task at hand. Do not be complacent in your actions. It is the way to Heaven. This is the way to heaven. The Tzu

Lao Tzu Quotes

In Leadership: Sage knows how to follow, so she follows orders. He doesn’t compete, so no one under Heaven can compete with him. The Tzu

Fake Lao Tzu Quotes: Erroneous Tao Te Ching Citations Examined By Stefan Stenudd

Things that take up space by force will prosper for a while, but then they will perish. They do not agree with the Tao. Things not related to the Tao will end soon. The Tzu

Lao Tzu Quotes

A person who knows the Tao never gives up the call of life. It respects the relaxation aspect at home. Honor the side of action in war. The Tzu

The highest moral is to act unconsciously. The greatest kindness is unconditional giving. The highest justice is impartiality. The Tzu

Lao Tzu Quotes

Lao Tzu ‘s Quote About Change. If You Do Not Change…

Parts of a car are worthless if they don’t work together. A person’s life is worthless if it is not lived in harmony with the universe. Playing the role of one is universal, a real humiliation. The Tzu

Whether it’s a jewel in a king’s palace or a stone in the common way, if you humbly accept your share, the glory of the universe will be yours. Click To Tweet About Leadership: A great leader speaks little and his words are priceless. It works without distraction and leaves no trace. When it’s all over, people say, “It just happened. A man who sees himself as everything is good to protect the world. He who loves himself as much as everyone else is worthy of being the master of the world. The best way to live is to be like water. Water is good for everything and not against any of them. They provide for everyone and even clean the place. Live according to the nature of things: Build your house on firm ground. Hold your opinion. Be kind when you give. Be honest when you speak. Be fair in your judgment. Be determined when you work. Remember that you are moving – timing is everything. A passable path is not a path. A name that can be pronounced is not a name.

Lao Tzu Quotes

He does nothing for himself in the passing world, so nothing passes. Sage moves without moving and teaches without speaking. Everything around him blooms and he rejects none. Be completely free. Have peace of mind. Only then will you witness everything that happens in space. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you believe in another?

Quotes By Lao Tzu On Leadership, Life And Happiness

Sage Embraces the One and is an example to the world. It shines without showing itself. I’m not going to introduce myself, it stands out. Silag achieves endless success without asking for help. Without seeking glory, his glory endures. Sage travels all day, but never leaves her inner treasure. Although the views are mesmerizing and eye-catching, they remain calm and unsettled.

Lao Tzu Quotes

The essence of my teachings: See in its original purity, embrace in its original simplicity, reduce what you have, reduce what you want. Click To Tweet A man in search of his treasure in the outside world is uprooted. Without root, it becomes a nuisance. Because he is restless, his spirit is weak. With such a spirit, he loses all command under Heaven. Sage always stands on the side of morality, so that everyone around him prospers. He is always on the side of truth, so everything around him is accomplished. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you worry, you live in the future. If you are happy, you live in the moment. (Maybe a fake quote from Lao Tzu. Couldn’t find the source.) On leadership: Those who rule according to the Tao do not use force against the world. What is forced will come back. He who knows the truth then does what he is called to do. He uses his power, but does not force things. Likewise, complete your work, do not seek or demand any reward. Without hesitation, completely choose your to-do list. To live with this force is to win without winning.

There’s something wonderful about giving without asking, helping without thinking it’s good. Record your actions, help with the hope of success – there is nothing noble about that. Who knows what fate may bring – one day your loss may be your fortune, and one day your fortune may be your loss. Truly rare people still exist. They are rarely truly silent. So I say that those who receive the blessings of this world are very rare. Chapter 1. The elders were common people and mingled with common people. They did not shine. They did not govern wisely. So the nation got lazy. Chapter 2. Now the rulers are filled with wisdom and people’s lives are filled with troubles, then the nation will be cursed.

Lao Tzu Quotes

Lao Tzu Inspirational Quote: Watch Your Thoughts Poster By Elvin Dantes

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is conscious. Click To Tweet Someone who speaks does not know. Nobody knows. Rule a nation like you would fry a small fish. Chapter 1. He who knows the truth travels without leaving a trace, speaks without harm, reports without reporting. Chapter 2. Its closing door cannot be opened without a lock. A tie knot is irreversible, even if it does not use strings. When there is calm, peace is found. When there is stillness, one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself. The best in the world will defeat the toughest. The emptiest thing in the world will overcome the fullest thing. A lesson follows: inaction is more beneficial than action. Silence is worth more than words.

There is no greater curse than desire. There is no greater tragedy than failure. There is no greater sin than selfishness. Even the best warrior loses when he defies natural laws. He will perish by his own hand, and all living things will hate him. Don’t brag about your superiority. Do not rejoice in victory. Weep with grief and grief at the loss of others. Do not celebrate after winning a battle, observe the funeral rites.

Lao Tzu Quotes

Consent alone is sufficient. Indeed, eternal happiness can be found in contentment. A person who gives freely and freely receives a full life in return. He who gives with the secret hope of receiving is only concerned with business. Indeed, they neither give nor receive treasure from the underworld. Act without acting. Give without giving. Taste without tasting. Alleviate difficulties. Do great things while you’re young. Step by step, the burden of the world is lifted. The treasure of the world is collected piecemeal. Weak people are easily broken. The young disperse easily. Start your business before it becomes a burden. Get things in order before they get out of control.

Amazing Lao Tzu Quotes

Chapter 1. I have three treasures that I cherish and cherish. The first is love, the second is mediocrity, and the third is humility. Click To Tweet Part 2. Fearless With Love. An average is too much. The highest position can be filled with humility. Section 3. Now, if someone is fearless, but has no love, he prospers, but if he is not moderate, he rises, but if he has no humility, he will surely perish. A tree grows that fills a man’s knees

Lao Tzu Quotes

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