Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes – Over the years—since we published the first issue of Good News—we’ve been slowly collecting quotes about hope. In fact, if you follow us on Instagram, you’ve probably heard us talk about hope a million times. And that’s because we think it’s incredibly important.

There is something interesting to be found in the difference between hope and optimism—and the power to fight back against cynicism. (Though it’s easy to feel cynical now.)

Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

We wanted to share some of our favorite short quotes about optimism (and the difference between hope and optimism)—they’ll give you the power to feel more hopeful and use that optimism as fuel to do more good.

Inspirational Quotes On Hope (never Give Up)

“Don’t get lost in the sea of ​​despair. Be optimistic, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, week, month or year, but the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make a little noise and get into some good, important trouble. – John Lewis

Hope Quotes

“It is optimism to think that things will be resolved. The hope is that you realize that things can be solved if you work at them. Hope requires responsibility and agency; Optimism frees us from both. When rooting for your sports team, choose optimism. Root for Democracy and Vote for Hope. – Eric Liu

“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future.” Because if they don’t believe the future can be better, they won’t step up and take responsibility for it. If you assume there is no hope, you guarantee there will be no hope. – Noam Chomsky

Hope Quotes

Top 40 Quotes About Hope (2022 Update)

“Hope in bad times is not just foolishness. It is based on the fact that human history is not only a history of cruelty, but also a history of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness. What we choose to highlight in this complex story determines our life. If we see only the worst, it destroys our ability to do something. If we remember those times and places – and there are so many – when people behaved wonderfully, it gives us energy to act and at least a chance to send this top of the world in another direction. And if we act, even in a small way, we don’t have to wait for a great utopia in the future. The future is an endless stream of gifts, and living now as we think people should live is in itself an incredible victory against all the bad things around us. – Howard Zinn You can’t be neutral on a moving train.

“We choose hope over fear.” We see that the future is not out of our control, but one that we shape for the better through coordinated and collective efforts. We do not accept fatalism when it comes to human affairs; we choose to work for the world our children deserve.”

Hope Quotes

“The realization that this is America should not inspire hopelessness. Hope and truth are connected. Hope is not naive. It is to bear witness to the truth, to believe even better and to give energy to contribute to the better. – Bernice King

Badass Hope Mikaelson Quotes From The Legacies

“I have reasons for hope: our ingenuity, natural resilience, indomitable human spirit and above all the determination of young people when empowered to take action.” – Jane Goodall

Hope Quotes

“When we remember the past history of human power overcoming oppression, it serves as a starting point for the hope that it can be repeated.” For this reason, I believe in the name of hope. – Andre Henri

“Our progress is proof that progress is possible. And this is fun. That means you can do it. Whether he is optimistic or pessimistic is beside the point. The point is that it is possible.”

Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes To Get You Inspired (page 1 Of 9)

“Despair is not difficult. Hopelessness is resignation – people could live in luxury if their children were not sacrificed on the altar of profit and power. Hopelessness is not the way of people who do hard things. Hope can do hard things. – Glenn Doyle

“Blind hope is not optimism. It’s not about ignoring the task at hand or the roadblocks that stand in our way. It is not sitting on the sidelines or running away from the fight. Hope is something within us that, despite evidence to the contrary, something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, work for it, and fight for it. Hope is the belief that destiny is not written for us, but belongs to men and women who are not content to live in the world as it is, men and women who have the courage to make the world as it is. – Barack Obama

Hope Quotes

“We are in a time of crisis, but we are in a time of hope. And this is not a passive hope. Let’s get out there, roll up our sleeves and hope it works out. – Jamie McLeod-Skinner

Inspirational Quotes » Hope For Healing

“No one has the right to sit and despair. “There is a lot of work to be done. – Dorothy’s Day

Hope Quotes

But I think it’s important to be optimistic about our ability to overcome those prejudices. And I understand that hopelessness is the enemy of justice; If we allow ourselves to be hopeless, we become part of the problem. I think you are too optimistic or you are the problem. There is no neutral place. Where there is hopelessness, injustice prevails. And if there’s one thing I’ve inherited from the generations before me, it’s their wisdom about the importance of hope. – Brian Stevenson

“The best way to stop feeling hopeless is to get up and do something.” Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and do some good things, you fill the world with hope, you fill yourself with hope. – Barack Obama

Hope Quotes

Motivational And Inspiring Quotes About Hope, Love And Life

“I am convinced by history and information that change can be made from the bottom up.” I have hope because history is a story we write together, not something that happens to us – which means we all have a say in how the story ends. Andre Henry”.

“Hope is the acceptance of the unknown and unknowable, an alternative to certainty for both optimists and pessimists. Optimists think that everything will be fine without our participation; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from action.” – Rebecca Solnit, In the Dark Hope in

Hope Quotes

“In our culture, it’s not okay to say you’re optimistic. But hope, optimism, that is an important political position to take, because we are privileged and it is possible to save the situation. To be is to abdicate. is just a chicken thing.” – Kim Stanley Robinson, on The Ezra Klein Show

Inspirational Quotes To Keep Going Through Tough Times

“Optimism does not mean that you know the reality of the situation without knowing it. This means that you must be motivated to find solutions to problems that arise. – The Dalai Lama

Hope Quotes

“Optimism is not a belief that things will improve immediately; it’s a firm belief that we can make things better.” – Melinda Francis Gates

“In a way, there’s a lot to hope for.” – Hank Green

Hope Quotes

Motivational Quotes: 200+ Inspiring Quotes To Win 2021

“Telling the truth about the state of our country and the world is not the same as giving up.” Hope sees the truth and believes even better. He who despises or does not seek the truth, but smiles and cries, “It shall be,” is meekness, not hope. – Bernice King

“Hope is confrontational. She does not ignore pain, suffering or injustice. It is not a saccharine optimism that refuses to see, face or fight the ugliness of reality. You can’t have hope without despair, because hope is a reaction Hope is an active belief that despair will never have the last word.” – Cory Booker

Hope Quotes

“When so much cynicism engulfs us, it’s a reminder of how great kindness is. – Carl Sagan

Best Inspirational Quotes For February

“This belief that we will win is unstable. It is a flame that needs to be fed and nurtured. We keep our hope alive by setting boundaries for how we consume news content that makes us feel hopeless. – Andre Henry

Hope Quotes

“Hope is the real answer to the amazing, often frightening miracle of consciousness. Hope is not easy or cheap. It’s true.” – John Green, Anthropocene Review

“For me, finding hope is not some philosophical exercise or sentimental thought. It is a prerequisite for salvation” – John Green

Hope Quotes

Inspirational Quotes For Women Perfect For 2022

“Maybe you have a little hope to believe that beauty can be found, that life can be restored, that something can surprise you. And maybe hope and wonder are connected. Perhaps wonder feeds hope, and hope feeds wonder. You see something beautiful and it reminds you

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