Confucius Quotes

Confucius Quotes – Confucius’ quotes, sayings and advice are inspirational, motivational, wise, sad and funny to inspire us. See more popular words at .

To fix the world, we need to fix the nation first; to fix the nation, we must first organize the family; organize the family; we need to cultivate our personal lives first; let’s fix our hearts first. ~Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Confucius Quotes

Death and life are bound; wealth and honor are in heaven. ~ Confucius Confucius talks about success

Confucius Quotes To Help Guide You Through Life

A superior man works hard to overcome his ego; victory comes later. ~ Confucius Confucius Quotes About Life, Love

Confucius Quotes

Life’s expectations are based on effort; A machine that wants to complete its work must first sharpen its tools. ~Confucius

To control the land of a thousand cars, it is necessary to maintain business and honesty; saving money and loving men; and using people at the right times. ~Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Confucius Quotes On Life (3 Picture Quotes)

Hate is easy and love is hard. This is how it all works. All good things are difficult; and it is very easy to find bad ones. ~Confucius

A young man, when he is at home, like a child, and abroad, should respect his elders. He should be honest and sincere. He should fill everyone with love and create a relationship of goodness. If he has time and opportunity, after doing these things, he should use them in head lessons. ~ Confucius Confucius quotes about knowledge, learning, learning

Confucius Quotes

If you know something, hold on to it, and if you don’t know something, admit you don’t know – that’s knowing. ~Confucius

Most Famous Confucius Quotes

I was not born with knowledge; I am a lover of the past and a serious seeker there. ~Confucius

Confucius Quotes

If a few years were added to my life, I would give fifty to the study of Yi, and then I would be without much error. ~Confucius

Learner but don’t feel lost! Those who think but do not study are in great trouble. ~Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Confucius Quotes That Reflect His Wisdom

If it’s clear that the goals can’t be met, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the performance levels. ~Confucius

We can learn wisdom in three ways: First, through meditation, which is noble; The second, by analogy, is the simplest; and the third in knowledge, which is the most bitter. ~Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Wisdom, love and courage are the three virtues of man. ~ Confucius Confucius Quotes About Friendship

I Made Some Fake Confucius Quotes For Fun And Because I’m Sick So I Got Nothing Else To Do, Enjoy

It is more shameful not to trust our friends than to be deceived by them. ~Confucius More inspirational quotes from Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Knowing what is right and not doing it is a lack of courage, or morals. ~Confucius

I hope you enjoyed our curated collection of the best Confucius quotes. Share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Thank you for reading! Confucius was a Chinese philosopher during the Spring and Autumn Period, a period in Chinese history from 771 to 476 BC. Considered one of the most important figures in history, the results of his teachings and his writings are numerous and relevant. He shows himself to this day as the source of the culture and lifestyle of East Asia.

Confucius Quotes

Confucius Wisdom Quotes. Quotesgram

His philosophy, which became the system of thought and behavior known as Confucianism, focused on the rights of humans as individuals and rulers. Dignity, love, justice and the use of these things to nurture human relationships are also emphasized. His teachings survived many dynasties, even after being recorded during the Qin dynasty.

For more than two centuries, Confucianism continued to be the foundation of the Chinese way of life. It may have changed over time, but it remains the same. The influence of Confucius expanded and was recognized in other parts of the world. In the West, it evolved into Neo-Confucianism and later New Confucianism.

Confucius Quotes

To help you sort out things in your life that can be confusing, these 30 Confucius quotes can help you discover who you are and what you deserve.

Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom Of Confucius

Hate is easy and love is hard. This is how it all works. All good things are difficult; and it is very easy to find bad ones. – Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Pick a job you love and you’ll never do it again a day in your life. – Confucius

It’s not other people’s inability to appreciate your abilities that hurts you, but your inability to appreciate theirs. – Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Most Famous Confucius Quotes

A questioner is a fool for a minute, a questioner is a fool for life. – Confucius

What the noble man seeks is within himself; what the little man seeks in others. – Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Things that happened, don’t talk about… things that happened, don’t criticize. – Confucius

Confucius Quote On Determination Stock Illustration

If you know something, hold on to your knowledge; and if you don’t know something, admit to yourself that you don’t know – that’s knowing. – Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Set your mind on truth, hold on to righteousness, trust in grace, and find your rest in art. – Confucius

If your words are not better than silence, then be silent. – Confucius

Confucius Quotes

Inspirational Beauty Quotes

A wise man is not double-minded; A kind man does not worry; A brave man is not afraid. – Confucius

Share these 30 quotes from Confucius – maybe your family and friends need to read and hear some of his golden life advice. Confucius (551 – 479 BC) greatly influenced this day. Confucius attached great importance to education. He wanted to provide education to those who wanted to learn.

Confucius Quotes

The principles of Confucius have roots in Chinese culture and belief. His philosophy emphasized the right, the right of human relations, the right and the truth. Derived from the teachings of Confucius, Confucianism is often followed as a religion by the Chinese people, emphasizing the importance of family and social harmony. Confucius established a way of life based on the human values ​​of mutual respect, good manners and family ties. Years after Confucius’ death his teachers were respected and respected. However, Confucianism today is an ethical school of thought promoted by thinkers around the world.

Confucius Quote: Educate Children

Here are 180 famous Confucius sayings about life, love, family, education and more. It will increase your thirst for knowledge and help you see things from a realistic perspective.

Confucius Quotes

Top 10 Confucius’s “Choose a job you love, and you will never do it again a day in your life.” – Confucius “Everything is beautiful, but not everyone knows.” – Confucius “I heard and I forgot. I know and I remember. I do and I understand. – Confucius “If I go with two other men, each of them will be a teacher. I will choose the good things of the other and imitate them, and correct the bad thoughts of the other and with things inside myself. – Confucius “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop.” – Confucius “People are alike, their habits are what separate them. ” – Confucius “Our greatest honor is not in not falling, but in getting up every time we fall.” – Confucius “Don’t worry that no one knows you; try to – Confucius “Knowing what you know and what you don’t know is true knowledge.” – Confucius “The will to win, the will to succeed, the effort to reach your full potential… these are the keys that open the door to personal goodness.” – Confucius

“The faithful, the faithful, the simple and the humble, is near to righteousness.” “Be kind, but expect no thanks.” “Few are careful to take it.” “Keep truth and honesty as a priority.” “The essence of knowledge is to have it, use it when you don’t have it, confess your ignorance.” “When you see a good person, think like him. If you see a bad person, think about your weaknesses. “Forget the hurt, don’t forget the kindness.” “Don’t complain for snow on your neighbor’s house if your driveway is dirty.” “Good people often punish the limits they impose on themselves by the fatigue they cause.” “Confidence and the truth is the highest.” “He who rules by virtue of his righteousness is like the star of the North Pole, which holds its place, and all the stars turn to him.” “The only wise men and foolish men do not change.” “Education builds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope brings peace. “If you plan to plant rice for one year. If your plan is 10 years, plant trees. If you plan to raise children for 100 years. “A young person should be seen with respect. How do you know that it will not be the same his future with us?

Confucius Quotes

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