Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone – A comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t take risks, but we don’t grow. It is not just a physical space but a mental concept. It’s not limited to the safety wiring we’ve built around us, but includes our routines and ways of thinking. Therefore, it can be the perfect excuse for not acting, not taking risks, not growing, and ultimately not living.

Magical things happen outside the comfort zone, change and growth happen, but there is also a scary panic zone, so it is important to find the right balance in life based on a deep knowledge of what the comfort zone is and what we can find. to find We deal with it. limit

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

The concept of the comfort zone goes back to a classic experiment in psychology that was conducted in 1908 by psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson and explained that a state of relative comfort creates a constant level of performance.

Is It Actually Healthy To

However, they also show that in order to improve this ability, we need to experience a certain level of anxiety, go outside and occupy a space where stress is slightly increased. They call that space “optimal anxiety,” and point out that it’s outside of our comfort zone.

Comfort Zone

In this way they created something called the Yerkes-Dodson law, which is better understood in this diagram:

New experiments confirmed their theory, stating that motivation and effort to achieve a goal increase until the expectation of success or level of uncertainty reaches 50%, beyond which we begin to feel discouraged, lose motivation, and Anxiety levels rise. Being unbalanced and causing us to make mistakes.

Comfort Zone

Moving From The Fear Zone To The Growth Zone

A comfort zone can be the living room couch where we prefer to go out to explore the world, the shops we shop at most often, the job we’ve done for more than 10 years, or the tourist destination we return to. Let’s stay in it. Year after year, however, it’s our way of responding to criticism, facing opportunities that involve risk, and even our way of connecting with our partners and/or parents.

The concept of comfort zone refers to a mental state in which we feel safe and do not experience anxiety or fear. This is the “space” we know very well and control almost everything in it.

Comfort Zone

The habits we follow with determination are what allow us to create that comfort zone because we know what to expect from any given situation. By minimizing uncertainty, we feel that we have everything more or less under control, so we believe that we are safe.

Optimal Learning Exists Between Comfort And Panic

To stay in our comfort zone we must avoid risk and uncertainty, which means we adopt a passive attitude towards life. This feeling of security is expensive because we also lose the motivation to live and fall into the grip of monotony and indifference. This is why we stick to certain places, traditions, habits and/or people and avoid any element that introduces novelty because it implies uncertainty and chaos. Therefore, it can be said that the comfort zone is a space that we have conquered, but in turn it has also conquered us.

Comfort Zone

Because the comfort zone is a space that we slowly build over the years, many times we don’t realize that we are trapped inside it. We are so used to our habits and lifestyle that we don’t know how they limit our possibility of growth.

– You do not grow emotionally and intellectually, but you experience deep indifference

Comfort Zone

The Problem With This Popular

– You close yourself off to new ideas because they don’t fit your well-structured belief system

– You are afraid of taking risks, so you prefer to let good opportunities go because you lose more than you can gain.

Comfort Zone

– For months or years you’ve been doing the same routine, so it’s been a long time since you’ve experienced the wonderful sensations of life that make you try new things.

What Is The Comfort Zone

– You feel more isolated and think that everything is pointless because you don’t find anything stimulating in your daily schedule.

Comfort Zone

– You don’t learn anything new that can bring a different color to your life because you feel like you really are, although inside you experience a great emptiness, as if you need more.

When we know what the comfort zone is and the problems that can bring us too close to the habits and known things, it becomes clear that we need to get out of the vicious circle in which we enter. For this we must keep in mind that experiencing a little anxiety from time to time is positive because it keeps us alive, strengthens us and helps us grow.

Comfort Zone

Why The Comfort Zone Is Ruining Your Life

However, it is also important to control the level of anxiety, which means that there is no need to jump into empty space without a parachute, we can leave our comfort zone step by step and stop when we feel anxious and afraid. grow rapidly

There are people who can leave their comfort zone to take a big leap because they can manage their anxiety level. Others should take small steps slowly. The important thing is not how you do or how fast you go, but that you can expand your horizons more and more.

Comfort Zone

Either way, the secret lies in finding a balance where this anxiety of the new and the unknown is created by a positive situation that doesn’t make us feel bad. To do this we need to make sure we stay in the growth zone.

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In this chart we see that the growth zone is where we can achieve our best and face new challenges with an acceptable level of anxiety. In the growth zone we can learn new things, enrich our perspective, modify our behavior and experiment.

Comfort Zone

Conversely, falling into the panic zone can be paralyzing and scary, causing us to retreat in fear into our primal comfort zone. In the panic zone, we experience a deep sense of lack of control and fear of losing what we have gained.

There are those who insist that a step beyond the terror zone into the magic zone awaits us, but the truth is that if we make sure that we continue to expand our growth zone, experiencing a space that can cause discomfort is not important. This practice of getting out of your comfort zone allows you to expand your growth zone without experiencing too much anxiety.

Comfort Zone

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It’s important to leave your comfort zone, but it doesn’t have to be an obsession. We must remember that we cannot live outside our comfort zone forever. From time to time it is helpful to return to a space where we feel safe to process our experiences calmly.

In fact, if we make the mistake of forgetting about the comfort zone entirely, we run the risk of what is called “hedonic adaptation,” meaning that new things and experiences no longer remind us and make us feel They do not live. Because we are used to their adrenaline. That is why extraordinary things become ordinary in a short time.

Comfort Zone

Therefore, we should not consider the comfort zone as our enemy, as many personal development teachers emphasize that it is an opportunity for growth as well as a space for fun.

The Comfort Zone

I am a psychologist and spent several years writing articles for specialized scientific journals in the field of health and psychology. I want to help you create a great experience. Learn more about me

Comfort Zone

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Comfort Zone

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Necessary cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensure the functionality and basic security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. It turns out, familiar, that’s what we can do automatically, without much thought, without much trouble. This is where we feel comfortable, sheltered and attractive. Wherever we feel we are not in danger. Where we don’t need to work, so we don’t need to spend

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